Pointless Website Blog
Because I missed it, all right?
Because I missed it, all right?
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
1. Here's a blast from the past, eh?

2. Like the alt-country? Whelp, it came from somewhere, and those Uncle Tupelo cats had to've been listening to something. So...
The Morrells
Blueberry Hill (curses, I'm still only 20)
September 23rd
3. I miss having a car. Give me yours. Now. The Great Kat commands it.
4. Learned from KDHX: Puerto Muerto is coming to the Webster Film Series on October 29th to musically accompany the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Their last album, Songs From Muerto County, was created as a quasi-Dark Side of the Moon soundtrack for said movie.
5. And finally, if anyone used to read local music zine NoisyPaper, headed by the late Carrie Lindsey a few years ago, this might be of interest:
Celebrate the life and work of artist, photographer and journalist
and Carrie Linsey-Shelton.
A survey of her work, influenced by music, pop culture and the St.
Louis scene, will be on exhibit at Cummel's Café, 1627 Washington
Avenue from August 19th until October 21.
Join us at the Opening Party on Friday, August 19 at 7:30pm.
By the way, I just found this, which contains a lot of information about Carrie and NoisyPaper.
6. Sufjan Stevens is playing at Mississippi Nights on September 22nd, 8pm, $14, if you're into that sort of thing.