Pointless Website Blog
Because I missed it, all right?
Because I missed it, all right?
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Current musical addictions
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Another reason for me to hate my dial-up
It appears as though KDHX is starting to archive streams of all of its shows now, not just the talk programming. So regardless of what the schedule page says at this point, you can stream [the recent history of] every show at 128kbps!
Friday, June 23, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Once again
Bad news from the RFT: things aren't looking so good for a very good bookstore, Rock Hill's Book House. I can't emphasize enough how cool this bookstore is, so get thee there immediately.
Dunyayi kurtaran!
Dunyayi Kurtaran Adam, the "Turkish Star Wars" (see training montage here) is now going to have a sequel.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Fun with self-promotion
If it interests anyone, I've been posting photos to my Flickr account like a madman lately.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
How is it that I've always dug Justin Tolentino, William Lobdell, and Cbabi Bayoc's art, but haven't heard of this new Notaa gallery that they've got stuff up at? I ran into the place on the edge of the Central West End today, and it seems to me to have some sort of connection to ArtDimensions with its artist roster. It's even got Lobdell's giant found-art fish (or one of its brethren) for sale downstairs. Definitely worth a look.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Bad news and worse on Cherokee
Courtesy of a couple of RFT articles:
Ruckus on Cherokee
I honestly don't understand why the artistic and Mexican/Central American elements of Cherokee are such anathema to the people that seem to be linked more with the antiquey part of the street. I'd noticed years ago when browsing Cherokee Antique Row's website that in the section with suggestions for nearby restaurants, the amazing Mexican food just a few blocks over was oddly absent. I'm all for antiques, but caray, people! In case you can't tell, people are trying to attract people, business, and culture to your street. The entire street stands to benefit from these sorts of efforts.
The Party's Over
Agghhhhhh, Radio Cherokee's closing...
Pope Makes First Papal Visit To Six Flags
EUREKA, MO—Pope Benedict XVI returned to Rome today following a historic, three-day trip to Six Flags St. Louis, the first official papal visit to a major American theme park since Pope Paul VI's Thanksgiving Mass at Wet 'n Wild in August 1966.
More at:
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
While listening to the Jackson Five Christmas album...
I watched a group of kids walking (walking!) from the Galleria to Brentwood Plaza, across the Highway 40 entrance and exit. I appreciate your moxie, kids. Don't get killed.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Granite City
I always love hearing little odds and ends about the past of St. Louis and its surrounding areas. My friend Michael recently put up a history of Granite City on Ecology of Absence, and it's a good read. By the by, did you all know that Sauget, Illinois was founded by Monsanto? True story.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
There's this brilliantly cheap commercial for a headache-fixing glue stick or something of the sort called "HeadOn." The entire commercial is just 15 seconds of a woman saying "HeadOn: apply directly to the forehead!" over and over in the same tone of voice as a CGI image of a woman rubs a gel stick across her forehead. It's something akin to a You're the Man Now, Dog school of advertising. Insane.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Suffragette City
I've already written a blog post giving Gabriel's KDHX radio show its due props, but I figured I'd write about another of my favorites. Every once in a while, it'll be late Tuesday night, and I'll have realized that I missed Suffragette City, and curse myself for it a little, because I realize that I just missed out on a lot of great music that only comes around once a week.
The show's hosted by Rene Spencer Saller, who was the RFT music editor from 2001 to 2003 or thereabouts, and who, according to an article I read in Thomas Crone's short-lived Silver Tray zine, apparently wrote for the legendary 1980s-era local music zine Jet Lag as a teenager, giving her something like a million cool points. The show features everything from singer-songwriters to indie rock to alt-country to a wee smattering of amazing hip-hop. So I'd like to encourage everyone to whom that sounds appealing to listen tonight on 88.1 KDHX from 10 p.m. to midnight CST, either on your radio or over the Internet if you're reading this outside of St. Louis.
In a stunning act of Internet synergy, I will link to my friend John Forrester's blog linking to my friends Michael and Claire's site/blog. Some unsuspecting web journal will surely spontaneously combust as a result. I suspect Gawker.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Ice Cream for Krau
I haven't heard about a whole lotta Skarekrau Radio shows these days, but I should note that they're playing at Radio Cherokee this Friday at nine. Their website says all that needs be said.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Meet your next Thursday night

Last Thursday, I met up with my friend Nikki and wound up going on a little photo jamboree at Joe's Cafe and the Sci-Fi Lounge, two of St. Louis' best kept secrets. Click on the photo above and come along, won't you?
Also, I'm currently posting from the Soulard Coffee Garden. The food was lovely and the patio beautiful. Everything I've been looking for in a breakfast spot in town, really. You oughta go!