Pointless Website Blog
Because I missed it, all right?
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Some more attractive than mine, others, not quite as attractive

Enjoy this virtuoso performance by young Julliard acting student Brian Atene, in this, his 1984 audition tape for "Full Metal Jacket".

Monday, October 30, 2006
Double Exposure
A pretty interesting article from the Washington Post looking at Diane Arbus' photography, and where some of her more famous subjects are today. Also, did you know that Diane Arbus was Howard Nemerov's sister? Because I didn't. Is that bad?
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Dear St. Louis,
Explain this to me:

Friday, October 20, 2006
U. City Olive Link
Lord, what a stilted name for a neighborhood. But them's my old stomping grounds! I grew up around my dad's guitar store there, and yup, I most certainly love paying visits to the East Asian groceries, which gave me a rich early adolescence's worth of Pocky and fermented milk sodas. And may the internet correct me if I'm wrong, I've heard that the McDonald's is the very McDonald's that Nelly used to work at. Do correct me if I'm wrong, internet.

I love that strip of Olive Blvd. to death. Maybe I oughta bloggerate the whole street's worth of businesses someday. People call it "Chinatown," but it's about as culturally diverse as you're gonna find. Among the cultures represented in the neighborhood's businesses and restaurants: Chinese(/Taiwanese/Hong Kong), Filipino, Indian, Jamaican, Japanese, Korean, Mexican, Nigerian(/pan-African), Pakistani, Russian, Vietnamese, and with Marco's picking up the slack from Terri's Southern Cafeteria, good old fashioned American soul food.

So what's happening these days? First, I wanna say how wonderful O.J. Photo is. They're in the process of remodeling, and in the meantime, they're running a basement sale, which I'd encourage every film photographer to pay a visit to. LOADS of camera filters too.

The African/Jamaican grocery, if you show up early on Saturdays, is carrying freshly-made Ghanaian kenkey.

Also, since it's on a rather obscure little strip just behind Olive, I hadn't realized until recently that sadly, St. Louis' old premiere ride-pimpers Lightspeed seem to have bit the dust.

Finally, there are a lot of places around the neighborhood to buy foreign movies, but Universal Toys and Gifts' new, bigger location has nothing less than all of these for sale, and endless amounts more:
Sad Movie
April Snow
Operetta Tanuki Goten
Golden Chicken 2
Everlasting Regret
I'm thinking I'll be buying one of these. Any suggestions? In general, the new place has all kinds of stuff that the old one didn't. Nice, graceful furniture, clothes, all kinds of stuff.

Also just picked up this from Manila Food Mart. Bless ya, Olive.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
New blog
St. Louis Eats and Drinks With Joe and Ann Pollack - I guess Joe has lightened his stance on blogs, eh? A blog by the P-D's restaurant reviewer from ages past, and from the husband-wife team behind "Beyond Toasted Ravioli."

There's also the 'Tater, who've actually been carting satire directly to other blogs' comment sections over the past few days...
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Mortimer -- take - out - the - GAH-bage.
So, ah, yeah. I'm not sure if this "Unkie Dunkie The Baloney Slicer" and his album about his nephew Mortimer is an actual attempt at comedy, or some sort of Dada exercise or what, but it sounds like a cross between a poetry slam, Andrew Dice Clay, Rocksteady from the Ninja Turtles, and, well, sheer tedium. I know I've got a thing for occasionally tedious cultural curios, but this takes the cake. IF - YOU - KNOW - WHAT - I - MEAN.
[Cue tape loop of woman's distinctively loud laughter]
Friday, October 13, 2006
Regina Spektor
So's you all know, she's playing the new Creepy Crawl November 14th.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Everyone's gotta pay the bills

The Mutantes rock out to Shell Gasoline.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
I've loved this site for a long time, to the point of thinking it's the greatest thing on the internet ever, and figured I oughta post something about it to the blahg. Okay. First of all, 's all in Portuguese. Are you okay with that? Does that bother you? Are you gonna cry a little? Because if you know, really, any Romance language, you'll probably figure out the basics.

It's cluttered! Yes it is. But I'll save you the effort of sifting through all of the ads and clutter on the front page. Interested in listening to radio stations from pretty much every country on earth? Ta-da! There ya go. Remember, if you're looking for us, we're the Estados Unidos. International TV is here. On this page, if you look under Radios Por PaĆ­ses, you can find some unusual stuff like police scanners and train radio (<---?) as well.

So what I'm thinking is, satellite radio? Why bother? Screw that noise, I want international internet radio in my car! If there's Chinese opera, British techno, and talk radio from Burkina Faso out there on the internet, how about a monthly fee to access it? And hey, public wi-fi areas are only going to grow in number and size from here on out. Of course, in any case, KDHX is still going to be in my #1 slot.
So are we all in agreement that the new Beck album "The Information" is really good?

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